Computer Science

C Array of Structures

A C array of structures is a data structure that allows you to store a collection of related data items of different data types. It is a way to group related data together and access them using a single name. Each element of the array is a structure that contains one or more data members.

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1 Key excerpts on "C Array of Structures"

  • C++ Programming
    eBook - ePub
    • Li Zheng, Yuan Dong, Fang Yang(Authors)
    • 2019(Publication Date)
    • De Gruyter
    6Arrays, Pointers, and Strings
    After studying the concepts and applications of basic control structures, functions, and classes of C++, many problems can be described and solved. However, for large scales of data, especially when they are mutually correlated or are similar and correlated data, how to present and organize them efficiently remains a problem. The array type in C++ provides an effective way to organize objects of the same type.
    An important characteristic, which C++ inherits from C, is that we can directly use an address to access memory, and the pointer variable is an important data type for realizing this feature. Using pointers, we can conveniently process large amounts of data continuously stored in memory, achieve massive data sharing between functions at a comparatively low cost, and easily realize dynamic memory allocations.
    Using character arrays to make up the deficiency of string variables is an effective method inherited from C. However, from the object-oriented and security perspectives, strings represented by character arrays have deficiencies. Therefore, the standard class library of C++ provides the string class, which is a good example of expanding data types based on the class library.
    In this chapter, we will introduce the array type, pointer type, dynamic memory allocation, and how to store and process string data.


    To understand the function of an array, please consider this problem: how does one store and process a series of n integers in a program? If n is small, for example, n is 3, we can easily declare three variables of the int type. If n is 10,000, then we need to declare 10,000 variables of int type to represent these 10,000 numbers by int
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