
Gradient and Intercept

In mathematics, the gradient and intercept are key components of a linear equation in the form y = mx + c, where m represents the gradient and c represents the y-intercept. The gradient indicates the steepness of the line, while the intercept represents the point where the line crosses the y-axis. These parameters are fundamental in understanding and graphing linear functions.

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1 Key excerpts on "Gradient and Intercept"

  • A First Course in Geometry
    k), parallelism and perpendicularity are quite recognizable from the equations alone. In the more general case of nonvertical lines, the situation is almost as easy to deal with.
         Consider, as in the figure, any nonvertical line, intersecting the x- and y-axes at A (a, 0) and B(0, b) respectively. These points are called the x-intercept and the y-intercept. The point-slope form of the equation for this line is
                     yb = m (x − 0)
    where m is the slope and B(0, b) is the point used. This equation can be rewritten in the form
                     y = mx + b
    Since m is the slope and b is the y-coordinate of the y-intercept, this form of a linear equation is called the slope-intercept form.
         Example 1 The equation of the line with slope 3 and y-intercept B(0, −2) is
                         y = 3x + 2
         Example 2 We can rewrite
                         3x − 2y + 7 = 0
         in slope-intercept form by solving for y as follows:
         Slope-intercept form is useful in establishing the following important result.
         THEOREM 119 Two distinct nonvertical lines are parallel iff they have the same slope.
         Proof: Suppose
                     y = m1 x + b1 is the equation of 1
                     y = m2 x + b2 is the equation of
    Then we have two things to prove :
             (i)  If m1 = m2 , then ||
             (ii)  If || , then m1 = m2
         The proof of (i) is indirect, as follows. Suppose m1 = m2 and . Then and must intersect at some point, the coordinates of which satisfy the equation of both lines. Therefore, for that point (x, y), we can write
                     y = m1 x + b1 and y = m1 x + b2
                     b1 ym1 x = b2
    This cannot be, however, for in such a case the equations of the two lines would be identical and we would be considering only one line, not two. →/← Therefore, if m1 = m2 , then || .
         The proof of (ii) is as follows. Suppose || . If we perform the construction of the right triangles indicated in the figure, it is obvious that
                     ΔABC ~ ΔDEF
    Therefore, if || , then m1 = m2 .
         Example 3 Suppose the equation of is 3x + 2y = 7; and suppose || and P(2, − 3) ∈ . We can find the equation of by noting that the equation of may be written
         so that the slope of is . Therefore, in point-slope form, the equation of
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