Politics & International Relations

Additional Member System

The Additional Member System is an electoral system that combines elements of both proportional representation and first-past-the-post systems. Under this system, voters cast two votes - one for a specific candidate in their constituency and another for a political party. The additional members are then elected from party lists to ensure that the overall distribution of seats reflects the proportion of votes received by each party.

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1 Key excerpts on "Additional Member System"

  • Why Constitutions Matter
    • Nils Karlson(Author)
    • 2017(Publication Date)
    • Routledge
    This question is also central in the discussion on the perceived advantages of the majority method: one man—one vote. Our analysis shows that some parties are favoured also within a proportional system. Our comparison of alternative methods shows that the plurality method boosts the representation of a few larger parties at the expense of smaller parties. In our introduction we juxtaposed the dual purposes of the electoral system to give a just representation of the voter preferences and to produce strong governments. However, the anxious debates on the electoral systems are perhaps due to our exaggerated expectations on this particular institutional arrangement; it cannot both ensure a fair representation and strong governments. And yet, a country needs a government. So how are we to resolve this apparent paradox in multiparty democracies? It is perhaps not necessary to apply the consoci- ational solution, or to favour other types of broad coalitions. One way to put the argument is to say that the challenge to the electoral system is fairness: voter preferences shall be reflected as correctly and fair as possible through the electoral system. Our analysis has shown that this is far from a trivial problem. Since concepts such as proportionality and fair representation are multifaceted, we need additional criteria and guidance in choosing between different normative principles. The main concern in this study has been to describe how electoral systems allocate parliamentary seats. The next step of deciding on one over the others—of deciding on the criteria of fairness—is a political decision
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