Technology & Engineering

Derivative of Polynomial

The derivative of a polynomial is a fundamental concept in calculus that represents the rate of change of the polynomial function at any given point. It is calculated by finding the slope of the tangent line to the curve of the polynomial function at a specific point. The derivative of a polynomial can be used to analyze the behavior of the function and solve various engineering and technological problems.

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4 Key excerpts on "Derivative of Polynomial"

  • Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance
    • F. Xavier Malcata(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Wiley
    8 Limits, Derivatives, Integrals, and Differential Equations
    Most functions of practical interest – in that they can be used to simulate physicochemical phenomena, are intrinsically continuous; this means that they evolve smoothly along their independent variable, i.e. the value taken by the function at a given value of its independent variable coincides with what would be expected from the trends in the vicinity of said value for the latter variable. This calls for the concept of limit – based on realization that an infinite sequence of values taken by a function may be such that every element will never go beyond a finite threshold; said topic is particularly relevant when seeking asymptotic behaviors of functions – since they tend to take forms simpler than the original functions themselves; or when quantifying the tendency of evolution in the neighborhood of some point via the concept of derivative (or ratio of small variations of the function to its independent variable). Derivatives find their widest applicability when searching for optima – one of the most seminal goals of process engineers. In fact, local maxima of a given function are described by nil values of the corresponding derivative if not subjected to otherwise (externally) imposed physical constraint(s); decision on the type of optima would then come at the expense of higher order derivatives – thus extending the concept of differentiation of a function itself to differentiation of a previous derivative.
    Once a function (seen as an algebraic operator) is proposed, one may in principle define its inverse; this supports the common strategy to solve an algebraic equation. A similar rationale may be applied to the derivative – in which case the concept of integral arises. The most important use of integrals occurs in attempts to calculate the area of a surface bounded by a given curve, or else the volume of a revolution solid; both possess physical relevance, and adhere to evidence in quite a number of practical situations of interest. On the other hand, balances of various kinds often resort to local variations of functions (represented by their derivatives) further to the values of the functions themselves – thus giving rise to differential equations; while solution of algebraic equations calls for specific solving formulae at the expense of the inverse functions therein (or else numerical methods, when no analytical solution can be found), differential equations resort to integrals as inverse derivatives, which must be combined with the inverse functions themselves – normally as part of much more involved approaches.
  • CLEP® Calculus Book + Online
    3.8 . In this case, however, no matter how closely one looks at the point (0, 1), the curve will never appear straight.
    Figure 3.7
    Figure 3.8
    In Section 3.3 , the derivative is defined as the slope of the line tangent to a graph at a given point. The tangent line at any given point is the linear approximation of the function over relatively small intervals. For nonlinear functions, the approximation is accurate only over small intervals because any nonlinear function has a varying slope, whereas a line has a constant slope.
    EXAMPLE 3.11
    Find the line tangent to at x = 4.
    An equation of a line can be written by using the slope of the line and any point on the line. The function provides the point, and the derivative of the function provides the slope.
    g(4) = 2
    The point of tangency to g(x) is (4, 2).
    Applying the result of Example 3.9 to g, so .
    Thus the slope of the tangent at x = 4 is
    Using the point-slope form, the tangent line equation is
    Figure 3.9 shows the line tangent to g(x) at x = 4
    Figure 3.9
    Figure 3.9 reinforces the idea that near the point of tangency, the line provides reasonably good approximations of the function, but as the domain around x = 4 widens, the graphs diverge.


    Work the following exercises without a calculator. Solutions follow this section.
    1. In a sentence or two, describe the difference between the average rate of change of a function and the instantaneous rate of change of a function.
    2. Find the average rate of change of h(x) = x3 – 2x on the domain [1,3].
    3. A circular metal plate was heated. When the temperature at the center reached 100° C, the heat source was removed. Table 3.3 shows the temperature at the center of the plate as it cooled over time. Use the table to approximate the instantaneous rate of cooling of the plate at time t
  • AP® Calculus AB & BC Crash Course Book + Online
    Passage contains an image Chapter 7
    A.Meaning of Derivative
    The derivative of a function is its slope . A linear function has a constant derivative since its slope is the same at every point. The derivative of a function at a point is the slope of its tangent line at that point. Non-linear functions have changing derivatives since their slopes (slope of their tangent line at each point) change from point to point.
    1.Local linearity or linearization—when asked to find the linearization of a function at a given x-value or when asked to find an approximation to the value of a function at a given x-value using the tangent line, this means finding the equation of the tangent line at a “nice” x-value in the vicinity of the given x-value, substituting the given x-value into it and solving for y.
    For example, approximate using the equation of a tangent line to . We’ll find the equation of the tangent line to at x = 4 (this is the ‘nice’ x-value mentioned earlier). What makes it nice is that it is close to 4.02 and that . Since , so, . Also, f(4) = 2. Substituting these values into the equation of the tangent line, so the equation of the tangent line is . Substituting x = 4.02, y = 2.005. A more accurate answer (using the calculator) is . The linear approximation, 2.005, is very close to this answer. This works so well because the graph and its tangent line are very close at the point of tangency, thus making their y-values very close as well. If you use the tangent line to a function at x = 4 to approximate the function’s value at x = 9, you will get a very poor estimate because at x = 9, the tangent line’s y-values are no longer close to the function’s y-values.
    The slope of the secant on (a, b), is often used to approximate the value of the slope at a point inside (a, b). For instance, given the table of values of f(x) below, and given that f(x) is continuous and differentiable, approximate f′(3). You will not be told to use the slope of the secant between two points containing x = 3, you’ll just have to know to do this. So, or
  • Mathematical Economics
    • Arsen Melkumian(Author)
    • 2012(Publication Date)
    • Routledge
    4    Limits and derivatives
    In mathematics, differential calculus is a subfield of calculus that is concerned with the study of how quickly functions change over time. The primary concept in differential calculus is the derivative function. The derivative allows us to find the rate of change of economic variables over time.
    This chapter introduces the concept of a derivative and lays out the most important rules of differentiation. To properly introduce derivatives, one needs to consider the idea of a limit. We cover the concept of a limit in the first section. The chapter closes with growth rates of discrete and continuous variables.
    4.1 Limits
    Consider a function g given by
    and shown in Figure 4.1 . Clearly, the function is undefined for x = 0, since anything divided by zero is undefined. However, we can still ask what happens to g(x) when x is slightly above or below zero. Using a calculator we can find the values of g(x) in the neighborhood of x = 0, as shown in Table 4.1 .
    As x approaches zero, g(x) takes values closer and closer to 2. So we can say that g(x) tends to 2 as x tends to zero. We write
    and say that the limit of g(x) as x approaches zero is equal to 2.
    Now that the idea of a limit is clear on an intuitive level, let us consider a formal definition of the right- and left-hand side limits.
    Let f be a function defined on some open interval (a, b). We say that L is the right-hand side limit of f (x) as x approaches a from the right and write
    if for every ε > 0 there is a δ > 0 such that
    Figure 4.1
    Table 4.1
    whenever As an example, let us consider the following function We want to show that Let us choose ε > 0. We need to show that there is a δ > 0 such that whenever
    Let us choose δ = (ε/2). Then,
    and therefore It follows immediately that whenever Now we have proved that the limit of
    as x approaches zero from the right is equal to 1.
    Now let us define a left-hand side limit. Let f be a function defined on some open interval (a, b). We say that L is the left-hand limit of f (x) as x approaches b
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