Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide
eBook - ePub

Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide

Get Familiar with a Portfolio of Cloud-based Services in GCP (English Edition)

Praveen Kukreti

  1. English
  2. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  3. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub

Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide

Get Familiar with a Portfolio of Cloud-based Services in GCP (English Edition)

Praveen Kukreti

Dettagli del libro
Indice dei contenuti

Informazioni sul libro

Explore the Essential Concepts, Tools, and Services in GCP

Key Features
? Build a solid foundation of the Google Cloud Platform.
? Work with different AI and Machine Learning services offered by Google Cloud.
? Learn how to use Google cloud services to build scalable apps.

Google Cloud platform has a suite of cloud computing services for developing and maintaining software. It includes products like Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, and Google Container Engine. With so much to offer, we will learn how to manage services running on Google Cloud. 'Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide' is primarily for everyone who wants to get familiar with the comprehensive list of services in GCP. You will work with various cloud-based services in computing, storage, database, and networking domains. You will understand how Big Data services can be used for developing end-to-end ETL/ELT pipelines. Lastly, you will explore various APIs available in Google cloud. The book ends with a chapter on best practices that will help you maximize resource utilization and cost optimization. By the end of the book, you will be able to design, develop, and deploy apps in GCP.

What you will learn
? Explore and work with security and monitoring services in Google Cloud.
? Learn how to build an ETL Pipeline in the Google Cloud Platform.
? Build and deploy code-based custom models using Vertex AI and Jupyter notebook.
? Learn how to create workflows using GCP services.
? Get an overview of best practices for securely deploying your workloads on Google Cloud.

Who this book is for
This book is for everyone new to cloud computing or Google cloud. Cloud professionals who are looking to migrate their services to the Google cloud platform will find this book helpful.

Table of Contents
1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals
2. Compute in Google Cloud
3. Storage in Google Cloud
4. Database Services in Google Cloud
5. Networking in Google Cloud
6. Security and Monitoring Services in Google Cloud
7. Big Data in Google Cloud
8. AI/ML in Google Cloud
9. Orchestration Services in GCP
10. Migration Services in GCP
11. Best Practices
12. Bonus Chapter
13. Use Cases

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    Stili delle citazioni per Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide

    APA 6 Citation

    Kukreti, P. (2023). Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide ([edition unavailable]). BPB Publications. Retrieved from (Original work published 2023)

    Chicago Citation

    Kukreti, Praveen. (2023) 2023. Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide. [Edition unavailable]. BPB Publications.

    Harvard Citation

    Kukreti, P. (2023) Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide. [edition unavailable]. BPB Publications. Available at: (Accessed: 9 July 2024).

    MLA 7 Citation

    Kukreti, Praveen. Google Cloud Platform All-In-One Guide. [edition unavailable]. BPB Publications, 2023. Web. 9 July 2024.