Biological Sciences

Food Production Microbiology

Food production microbiology is the study of microorganisms involved in food production processes, including their impact on food safety, quality, and spoilage. It encompasses the understanding of microbial growth, metabolism, and control in food production environments. This field plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of food products for human consumption.

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1 Key excerpts on "Food Production Microbiology"

  • Food Microbiology
    eBook - ePub

    Food Microbiology

    An Introduction

    • Karl R. Matthews, Kalmia E. Kniel, Thomas J. Montville(Authors)
    • 2019(Publication Date)
    • ASM Press
    1    The Trajectory of Food Microbiology
    2    Microbial Growth, Survival, and Death in Foods
    3    Spores and Their Significance
    4    Detection and Enumeration of Microbes in Food
    5    Rapid and Automated Microbial Methods
    6    Indicator Microorganisms and Microbiological Criteria
    Passage contains an image
      1 The Trajectory of Food Microbiology
    Learning Objectives The information in this chapter will help the student:
    • increase awareness of the antiquity of microbial life and the newness of food microbiology as a scientific field
    • appreciate how fundamental discoveries in microbiology still influence the practice of food microbiology
    • understand the origins of food microbiology and thus anticipate its forward path
    Introduction Who’s on First? Food Microbiology, Past and Present To the Future and Beyond Summary Suggested reading Questions for critical thought


    A former president of the American Society for Microbiology (Box 1.1 ) defined microbiology as an artificial subdiscipline of biology based on size. This suggests that basic biological principles hold true, and are often discovered, in the field of microbiology. Food microbiology
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